Getting to know your KIKI Pure A2

  • Getting started with your KIKI Pure A2

    Featuring true HEPA 13 technology and standing less than 6inches tall, The KIKI Pure A2 is 99.9% effective in spaces up to 150 square ft. with a Clean Air Delivery Rate of 6 Cubic Feet Per Minute (CADR = 6cfm)/ Its sleek aluminum circular design makes it perfect for your car's cup holder and bec...
  • Frequently asked questions about your KIKI Pure A2

    Frequently Asked Questions | Question | Answer | | -------- | ------ | | What type of filter does the KIKI Pure A2 contain? | The KIKI Pure A2 uses an authentic HEPA 13 filtration system and UVC. 99.96% effective | | Does the KIKI Pure **A2 have a battery?** | Yes, the device has a 1800mAh batte...
  • KIKI Pure A2 Specifications & Documentation

    Product Specifications | | | | --- | --- | | Gift Box Dimensions | 2.62” (L) x 2.62” (W) x 6.07” (H) | | Product Dimensions | 2.68 (D) x 5.59” (h) | | Weight | 0.69lbs (Battery 0.099lbs) | | Filter / Efficacy | H13 HEPA with activated carbon 99.96% efficacy - Lab Certified | | Coverage | Up to...